A unit of work based around making a fruit crumble, ‘Gruffalo crumble’.
Contains PowerPoint and worksheets.
Lesson 1:
-I know where a range of fruits come from.
-I understand and use basic principles of a healthy and varied diet.
Lesson 2:
I can generate ideas by investigating a range of fruits.
-I can taste and evaluate a range of fruit and say what I like and don’t like.
Lesson 3:
-L.O: I know how to use my own ideas to design a crumble based on simple design criteria.
Lesson 4:
-L.O: I can use simple utensils and equipment when making my crumble e.g. peel, cut, slice, grate and chop safely.
Lesson 5:
-L.O:I can make my crumble.
Lesson 6:
-I know how to describe somethings that went well.
-I know how to describe something that I would change.
A unit of work (PowerPoint and 5 worksheets) with the final outcome being a gingerbread man hand puppet, suitable for Year 1 or Year 2.
We use the gingerbread sewing pack from TTS.
Lesson 1
L.O: To design a puppet.
Lesson 2:
L.O: To test the suitability of different materials.
Lesson 3:
L.O: To test different ways of joining.
Lesson 4:
L.O: To make a simple plan before making my puppet
Lesson 5: NO WORKSHEET - Practical making puppets lesson
Lesson 6:
L.O: To evaluate my final puppet.